Friday, July 30, 2021

Flashback Friday

Someone from Orange amps took this pic at Desertfest London 2017. They never supported me other than that tho ;)

Actually this page is a kind of therapy for myself. It may be hard to believe but at times - especially in these weird period that we all live now - I have moments of feeling a bit "useless". Although I have achieved a lot in my so far live, from being a shy, introverted small town kid to becoming a man that has travelled the world with just his music. So, I began to write down a more detailed kind of biography under the part *influences* which will be continued by time, up until this very day ...

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Gear nerdism

I updated the page with an extended essay on almost all gear I used throughout the last 25 years. Here are some more pics, just because I didn't want to make that page fuller than it already is ...

2015 live set up w/SBE - Later I added a Keeley Compressor, the EHX Pitchfork and a MXR Carbon Copy delay.
That Fender Rhodes is now part of Richard Behrens' Big Snuff Studio in Berlin-Weissensee.
70s Suprem Keyboard Amp - if I were a gear hoarder I probably had kept this, just because it looked cool ;)

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

My 30s in a playlist

It's crazy how fast time flies by, I read this so often "I can't believe, where has the time gone ... etc". Besides making music (a lot of touring equals a lot of waiting), I had spent the last decade with a lot of *research* on what has always interested me since the late 90s. I guess I was on kind of a hunt for *the holy grail of 70s hard rock* or sth ;) but there's a lot of good music beyond that I missed and will probably never catch up. Anyway, I know a thing or two about that classic rock stuff and made this extensive playlist public for your pleasure ...

"Fuzz Sagrado" EP

New 3-track EP available via Bandcamp!

First review via DENPA FUZZ: "In Spain we sometimes use the phrase 'la cabra tira al monte', which is a way of saying that something returns to its natural environment, and this is precisely what Christian Peters, the guitarist and singer of SAMSARA BLUES EXPERIMENT, has done in his new personal project FUZZ SAGRADO. If in recent times Christian had been creating albums under his pseudonym SURYA KRIS PETERS, in which the main instruments were synthesizers and his sound was electronic, now he takes up the guitar again to create new songs. 

After having put an end to his little offspring SAMSARA BLUES EXPERIMENT, the bug to continue making music brings him back to the scene. A week ago Chris told me, to my joy and amazement, this great news that brings a great musician back to the present, with this new project called FUZZ SAGRADO. Here Chris plays guitar, bass, hammond, mellotron and mini-moog being accompanied only on drums by a mysterious character named Mr. Slater, providing the perfect groove for his songs. 

So far only three tracks that represent a return to the origins, with vintage atmospheres, psychedelic touches, progressive atmospheres and guitar rock. The EP contains three tracks with a common denominator in their sound, but each one has its own identity. From southern vibes and aromas, to moments of great intensity in which psychedelia appears majestic showing a wide chromatic range; without forgetting the progressive vibes of the early seventies, it makes the songs become more complex and majestic. 

If you add to that the contrast between some of the beautiful melodies with the intensity and heaviness of some passages, we can conclude that we are in front of a fascinating debut and a new hopeful stage. If here all the themes are instrumental, in future releases we will be able to find songs with vocals, which can be one more incentive for this exciting return ..."