Saturday, October 30, 2021

Music is holy - my musical diary

Sometimes I really think that throughout the last year's I have kind of created a musical diary - and I just looked back at this album from 2016 as one of the darkest years I remember. Although in hindsight some things seemed very unnecessary I somehow feel as if now I can relax more and even kind of laugh how silly I had been at times. It's also a bit crazy when I look back at my own development over these last five years and how little after little I have lost insecurities and maybe also kind of silly "illusions".

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

I control, I fly

A little peek inside my cockpit while I'm almost done recording the musical parts of my debut album, and am only left to do the vocals - I don't want to promise too much honestly but in a way this will be the successor to SBE in many ways and I am happy that finally I found a way of painting the picture without the dependencies in a band or working in somebody else's studio - where I'd never been half as relaxed as working from home can be. Much grateful to the universe, I am.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Early recordings

Early Fuzz Sagrado-recordings have just been released. These and Surya's "Lost Transmissions" EP build the bridge to what I'm about to do in the near future: more guitar driven, synthesizer-drenched rock music. New old school -- I still tend the analyze things too much, actually I need to leave all that behind too ...

Thursday, October 14, 2021

My love, my inspiration

Baby Bee - I just wanna thank you for everything that you've brought to my life. I don't know if you can imagine how much you make me feel alive. We've had an ocean to separate us, had to wait for such a long time, but now the dream, that once we've shared, has become real ...

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

EHX rarities + lovely nerd jams

Sometimes I regret selling my one Russian Muff, also throwing the wooden box in the trash -- how could I? Yet when I look at collectors like this I feel like the most humble musician person on earth LOL

Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Surya "Lost Transmissions"

I just released a couple of tunes from a selection of what was supposed to be a 2021 full length album which I scrapped because that old guitar & rock music got in my way and I may have overthought these tracks anyway, but they are too good IMHO to only sit in a lost folder on my hard drive. To be honest I have no clue what kind of genre this is LOL -- it's synthesizer music with guitar, modular bleeps but not that cheesy stuff, I hope.

Friday, October 01, 2021

Surya's Solarstriker & The Long Return

I reinstalled Surya's "Solarstriker" and "The Long Return" to bandcamp because they belong there and I don't know what's gotten into me when I thought they weren't good enough, also next week I will release a few new tracks that I recorded this last Winter here in Brasil, before I decided that in the future I will get back to more sort of traditional kind of Rock music. It may all be a bit confusing I know, I guess that's what happens when you give too much time to a weirdo musician like me, and even though I don't see myself on any stage anymore (never say never tho), I promise I will try to be a bit more mentally stable ;) ... what a strange time it is, I hope these songs provide a bit of distraction.