Sunday, June 05, 2022

Caralho, ... nossa senhora!

It's been a while since my last blog and to be honest, I ask myself how much I still want to share here. I may have that kind of "bipolar personality", where sometimes I feel like I want to embrace the whole world and share things I've learned, talk to everyone about everything, while at other times I tend to shy away from all that and just sit in my room and play guitar for myself. But anyway, it's still a pretty interesting time here in this new country, still much to learn. I'm happy that at least now I'm able to have conversations in Portuguese and for a bit may even have adapted this very different culture, more than the one of my origin in Germany

I also wanted to mention that I really got back into listening to old Metallica albums, which is funny to me but then I can not deny the huge impact that they had on me when I was a teenager. I started to play electric guitar because of them. I mean, how much bigger an impact can this be? And despite I often thought that none of their documentaries did them any good, since they portrayed personality traits I didn't find that much appealing, ... that band released a couple of true masterpieces, really. It had actually been a long time since I really took time to listen to the whole "Master Of Puppets"-album for instance. At almost 42 years old I'm at this point of a life when at times one is looking back at the past with a bit of nostalgia. I couldn't complain though, the last years had been awesome for me, most of it. People who read this, probably know what I'm talking about. 

So, the other day I even watched "Some Kind Of Monster" for the first time ever in its entirety, and although it has quite a few of these awkward scenes, it made me think a lot of how it would have been if my own band had made that step of seeking for some outside help. And that after all, one can not judge any other person for being at their own path which at times may just differ greatly from your own. You can't force your will on others. Even with the best intentions this will not work, if the other part sort of "just doesn't get it", and vice versa. It's a mystery how some bands stay together for so long, very few actually do, when you really look at it. But, anyways ... I'm happier for now. I even play a lot of these old Thrash Metal licks again, just for fun, wondering if maybe I could come up with another project in that direction of heavier guitar music. Let's see ... taking things much slower recently.