Friday, February 03, 2023

I woke up this morning ...

As already announced in social media, the release of my new album will be delayed by a few weeks, because I lately felt that it would be better to involve a professional to do the mastering. This person will be Role from Tonmeisterei Oldenburg, who already did an excellent job on the last Samsara albums and also refined the CD-version of "A New Dimension". So this should work out well, and I am also in talks with the World In Sound-label about releasing the album in physical format. In March this seems possible, at least for the digital version and pre-orders, and I'm also planning song previews for the coming weeks.

In the meantime, I took the opportunity to help an old friend with his new album. Pater Nembrot-singer and guitarist Filippo has a new project where he also played and recorded (almost) everything himself, and I helped with the mastering and also played some synthesizer on one of his new tracks. Although his philosophy is different from mine, I'm very happy that we found a consensus very quickly. He wanted the album to sound as garagey as possible, while I suggested to let it shine a bit more ;) and that's what we were going for. The result can be found on Bandcamp as of today ...