Tuesday, November 30, 2021

SBE in OZ & NZ

In 2018 we've actually been on a world tour.

Honestly if there was one continent on this planet that I have never thought I would ever visit in my life it'd most probably been Australia, not just because it's just so far away from Central Europe but also from what I knew before (Crocodile Dundee - means close to nothing at all) it wasn't even very interesting for me tbh. Well I am sorry to say, but I thought there's basically just a kind of desert, haha, and ... Yes, how silly and wrong was I?!

So in 2017 I came in contact with this guy Anthony in Australia, sort of a friend of a friend in my Facebook, where at that time I had around one thousand "friends". Honestly, at times I really like to interact with people but soon it became more kind of a burden, especially when someone thought it would be funny trying to mess up my private life. Anyway, thanks to this friend's friend it became possible to think about playing in Australia.

And from what I can tell, the guys who had just firmed under the name YOUR MATE BOOKING seemed to take things very serious and probably even more professional than us in SBE who despite all that travelling and playing abroad in a way still were just three dudes from Weissensee - if you know what I mean. Let's just say that at some point I thought it was rather ridiculous to pretend sth I was not. A fancy dressed "rock star"-personality couldn't be farther off tracks.

Carrying this in hand-luggage wasn't the best idea. Rather annoying after few hours of sleep ...

So we got things going for SBE's first Australia tour, and I even went through some awkward nuisances ;) like making promotion videos or Skype interviews, which I don't really enjoy because I think I always look as silly as I am. SBE really could have "made it bigger" I guess if we all knew better how to "sell ourselves" - well I don't know, sometimes it bothers me, many other times not. The music business is full of wannabes anyway. In the end we could not complain.

And then this tour happened! After almost two days of plane travel I had the funniest cramps in my ass and our drummer Thomas got a little sick with his stomach but played all the shows like - well, like a professional. And to my own surprise not were almost all shows sold out but Australia and also New Zealand turned out to be quite fascinating countries with some of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen. And of course after such a successful tour there were talks of repeating it, and Anthony had even come up with exciting news about adding shows in Japan, but then: 2020 happened ...

In hindsight I feel honestly blessed for having had such amazing opportunities and of course I worked for all this. I've never just sat in a corner waiting for some label guy or whoever to reach out for me. And of course it was also a matter of meeting the right person at the right time and taking chances as they presented themselves to us. There could have been more gigs but it also wasn't always easy to inspire my bandmates who had their day jobs and things going on.

My little 'Luvbug' had a bit of a heavy case as well. Not pictured is my synth bag and clothing, because boring. 

I still think that where there is a will there is always a possibility, and much to my own surprise SBE really was a popular group with gig requests from anywhere in the world. Still you gotta put things in perspective, in small scenes you can't expect that touring will always pay you a lot of money. In some cases these tours paid for travel expenses and a little extra, sometimes we spent much more than we earned at all (well, every time USA), but things have happened and wouldn't have happened if everyone insisted in earning sth. The bigger problem was time management. When you get older, especially when with kids, time becomes such a rare thing ... and then, you gotta feed 'em. 

So I have no solution for anything, but as long as music isn't valued much more than it is now in times of almost being sth that too many people get used to consume for free, it will be even more difficult to really do "crazy things" like we did. I guess. Think also that until the end, these tours have been vacation from work for two guys in our little trio, and not everyone is made to live an independent freelance life, ... although it's very much possible. It needs a lot of self-discipline and you'll have long droughts ... yet, money can't be everything.

Sometimes I could still get a bit jealous when I see how easy other bands may have it but probably it's all an illusion. There's always problems - or compromise to find - and at one time you gotta make a brave decision if you want such a life, the rock star stuff ;) Well, at least right now I have understood what I want from my "career" as a musician which is to create music in the first place. Mostly I just miss to visit some of those "exotic places", but then now I live in an exotic place ;) so I really can't complain. And really, life's there to be lived!

SBE OZ & NZ 2018

16/09/2018 Adelaide, Crown & Anchor
15/09/2018 Melbourne, The Bendigo
14/09/2018 Geelong, Barwon Club
13/09/2018 Melbourne, The Bendigo
11/09/2018 Wellington, Valhalla
10/09/2018 Auckland, Whammy Bar
09/09/2018 Sydney, Leadbelly
08/09/2018 Brisbane, Crowbar
07/09/2018 Perth, The Amplifier

Monday, November 29, 2021

SBE in Latin America

Meeting Felipe Toscano, who later founded Abraxas booking agency - Berlin, 2013

While writing this from somewhere in the middle of Brasil ;) anyone can easily imagine that the two Latin America-tours in 2017 & 2018 have been a life changing experience for me in particular. It all began after the gig in Berlin at Desertfest 2013 when after our show a more or less random fan from Brasil talked me up on the idea of playing there. While still knowing basically nothing about South America I replied sth like "Sure, just organise some gigs, provide a backline, and we'll come to play there." and we stayed in loose contact from there on. 

At that moment I had never been anywhere farther south than Italy, had not even been to Spain yet - which at that time was like "the father country" to anything South American (silly, I know - now!). So in November 2013 we went on a long tour, covering pretty much every Western European country from Norway down to Portugal and back to Germany with everything in between, pretty much the whole month of November and I got horribly sick from sth that I ate while the first time in Spain. Until this day not sure what that was, and in my head I really kind of build up a sort of paranoia towards Southern countries. And, I know how silly this may sound.

So no joke and no exaggeration, suddenly I was really sort of afraid of going to South America - while anyways after that Nov 2013-tour the Samsara-band had almost fallen apart. It was a very stressful experience for all of us to say the least. This was the time when the band was really more about discussing internal things than making any music at all. Subsequently our bass player Richard left, basically because he wanted to pursue his career as a sound guy and travel North America with another band. 

But back to topic ... Sometime in 2016 that guy from Brasil, Felipe Toscano, had build up a respectable booking organisation under the name Abraxas, not just in Brasil but many other Latin American countries. Remember three years before he really was just a random fan like every other, suddenly he had brought quite a few international bands there and build up an impressive network. Everyone there wore his company shirts with pride, everyone spoke about him as "a great friend". Very impressive, I have to say. 

But then of course things in South America work very different than in Europe or anywhere else. So after all my hesitation, and also because I saw that this had worked for other bands in the meantime, we started to seriously talk again in 2016 and put this first South America tour together. From our first gig in Santiago de Chile we all could see how special this was. There was not a lot of money involved for us to earn, it was basically just paying the transportation costs but then that's really not what matters.

Before the gig in Sao Paulo 2017 - some of the venues were impressive too, to say the least.

We played a full house in Santiago and people seemed to know every line of every song, singing (!) even the guitar riffs ... Complete 'insanity', in a good sense. And most of the rest of this first South America was very similar. A highlight of all these highlights was also the show in Belo Horizonte, after which I met my future wife and now am even living here on this 'crazy' continent. On a funny side mark: Before our first tour I took any possible vaccination and bought medicine for around 80 EURO just to be sure not to get any illness while - pretty much nothing - of that was necessary at all.

So this first South America tour in my opinion was nothing but a big success, not much in a monetarily sense, but I came back to Berlin a different person, listened to Tim Maia and Secos & Molhados every day, having Caipirinhas pretty much every evening, and suddenly really seemed to have understood that there is a lot more in life than just being successful in your kind of job. I have to say I guess I have a tendency to be a workaholic and never really learned to relax, or even just do nothing for some hours.

And then of course I wanted to return to South America as soon as possible ... for someone who lives in any Central European city, just try to imagine that there is a place on Earth where in a way it's always Summer, and people in general seem much friendlier - the whole opposite to Berlin, especially in all these grey months from November to May. So 2018 saw a second tour, this time even including Mexico, but a lot of the things were different. Not sure why, it seemed our agent Felipe had put a bit too much on his shoulders.

We co-headlined some of this shows with a US-american band, so ticket prices were probably significantly higher, while also we had just been there one year ago, so some of the shows were not what we had been "used to" from our first visit. None of the shows was really bad or sth, just more a kind of "business as usual". We played some good shows in Brasil again and Buenos Aires too, and then Mexico City brought back these intense 2017 flashbacks, when people really freaked out as hard that there was sweat running from the ceiling. 

But to be honest, this second tour was very exhausting with often not even four hours of sleep in between the shows. And I began to seriously question myself for how long I would want to continue like that, also with a growing tension among the band members. Not to blame anyone, touring like that is just a lot of stress and you have to remind yourself that the other two guys in SBE still pursued a day job after all this madness, and one even had two small kids at home. In a way for that kind of "advanced hobby band" that we were we really tested the boundaries of what is possible. It's an exciting life, but maybe at one point you have to decide what you really want.

Latin America - Tour 2018
20/10/2018 Monterrey, Musicantro
19/10/2018 Ciudad de Mexico, Multiforo Alicia
17/10/2018 Montevideo, Bluzz Live
16/10/2018 Buenos Aires, Lucille
14/10/2018 Rio de Janeiro, Cais da Imperatriz
13/10/2018 Sao Paulo, Fabrique Club
12/10/2018 Brasilia, Sujo
11/10/2018 Palmas, Festival Bem Ali

South America - Tour 2017
12/03/2017 Rio De Janeiro - Cais da Imperatriz
11/03/2017 Sao Paulo - Clash Club
10/03/2017 Belo Horizonte - Stonehenge Rock Bar
09/03/2017 Florianopolis - Celula Showcase
08/03/2017 Porto Alegre - Riffe Bar
05/03/2017 Cordoba - Refugio Guernica
04/03/2017 Montevideo - Bluzz Live
03/03/2017 Buenos Aires - The Roxy
02/03/2017 Santiago de Chile - Espacio San Diego

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Talking synthesizers

A strange attraction ...

My modular synth journey began in around 2014 when I first saw one and had been wondering how you play that thing without a keyboard. I'm not sure why these attracted me so much but I had a thing for synthesizers for a long time already. I remember the first time a synth fascinated me has already been in 2000 when I first saw a 19" sampler and such rack things but never really got deeper into it until 2005 when I got Reasons from a friend and made a few shy excursions with a sequencer and their emulators.

A good example for early days synth exploration would be SBE's "Midnight Boogie" from 2012, in the second part the Moog Little Phatty is just all over the place, while I still had no clue about anything tbh ...

In 2008 while recording the first Samsara-demo I've been introduced to the wondrous world of VST, bought Native Instruments Absynth in the same year, and shortly after a Moog Little Phatty that had been used quite much on SBE-records like "Revelation & Mystery", "Midnight Boogie" and "Waiting For The Flood". I had also stumbled upon the synthesizers.com website but that was completely out of reach until I saw the first Doepfer-stuff in stores in Berlin in around 2014.

Modular craze came to its first peak with 2020 Modular Synth Jams EP. I also played a short live set in Berlin @Tief Ostkreuz, was an interesting experience yet very much improvised ...

After that it took a long time to really find out what I want/need as one can see throughout recent years. It's easy to develop an addiction and I owned a lot of modules throughout 2015-21. Long story short, there's still synthesizer stuff on the coming music. I'm really excited about the long track which is really kind of a modern Pink Floyd or sth I guess, but I still gotta finish with the lyrics and mixing. Guess the album comes out around February 2021. Until then, I'm anxiously waiting for VCV RACK 2.0. And btw if I learned one thing it's also that sometimes less is more ;).

Modular craze reached it's peak in 2019 ;)

Friday, November 19, 2021

New Merchandise Shop

I have opened up a new merchandise store with lots of goodies from all projects; shirts, posters, stickers and finally even mugs :) Probably I will add even more merchandise in the future. I love to create stuff.

Go here if you'd like to support: https://electric-magic-merchandise.creator-spring.com

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

This is awesome!

Well, the truth is that I have been searching for a good distorted guitar sound throughout most of the last twenty years. I haven't been happy until just very recently. And I guess some of the purists now say "ah it's a f**in' program, it's not real" and I will not try to convince you if you are happy. Fact is that on four out of the five Samsara-Albums I have never been happy with the guitar sound and there it was all analog, expensive tube amps, microphones etc. And then this little program came along ... just maybe add a Tube Screamer up front and BAM - That's the sound! By the way in these two decades I now have been checking out various tube amps, the Helix (not completely bad), the Kemper (awful handling), Amplitube (it's okay, until you want to play a solo), Neural DSP (Nolly is not bad) - but - none of them comes even close to Scuffham. Instant happiness for me. Thank you: https://www.scuffhamamps.com

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

SBE and the USA

Somewhere in the desert, California May 2015

You know there's something really funny about all that USA topic. In the end of SBE's career we had much more fans in North America than anywhere else in the world, more than half the records sold there despite that we didn't have a proper distribution there, nor had we ever really played a lot over there due reasons that I maybe will try to explain here one last time, because actually this is sth that still kind of bothers me until this day ...

Our first big tour ever had been along the US Westcoast in 2009, after being contacted by two guys out of Redwood County, North California who dug our twenty minute two track Demo EP enough to invite us to play concerts there in the "promised land". And, this was all kind of ridiculous tbh. Yes we were young and cocky and didn't care much about anything but our band and our music I guess. And if I could I'd probably do it all again just like that, only maybe with a bit more planning and also: playing experience! You have to imagine that at that point in history this band had existed only a few months.

So after a few weeks of sorting things out we decided to do that tour. None of us had more touring experience other than a few days in Germany, yet we had already flown to a show in Rome and seen that things worked just like that: bringing guitars and necessities while local bands provide the rest of gear. This was also one of the main points in my own philosophy at that time, try to play as much shows out of the ordinary as possible. Guess I was tired of playing little shows for gas money in youth centers somewhere in Germany, I wanted to see the world. So I contacted musicians in Italy, Holland etc trying to exchange gigs and knowledge. Myspace made it all possible ;) 

But then the first tour in the states was of course not paying much at all, and that was not even any of the main concerns. We knew there wasn't much to expect and just being there was an only gratification. The story of how we managed to play that tour actually helped to serve a s a kind of "PR-gag" for years to come after that, because yes it was very unusual and yes, maybe we got even a couple of fans over there from these early days on.

With the years after that, the internet and youtube helped to make the band popular. We owe a lot to the fame of the group to debut album, and maybe the naked girls on the cover or just these weird long songs, I don't know what it is ... it was the perfect fit for that scene I guess, and no it is not all calculated. I totally immersed in that scene, ran my own webzine, made posters for many bands, and really dug the hell out of it. Wore my flares with pride, a long time ago ...

So with the years we got more and more fans, particularly in the USA and North America. They don't even bother about the accent in my vocals, which seems only a problem for some Germans. However, in about 2014 I started to write long mails with an "agent" in Texas. I don't want to name the guy and I am not interested in personal bs but he turned out the biggest disappointment in my whole career as a musician. So the tour that we had tried to get organized for 2015 turned out a disaster really.

There is a difference also from many other musicians in general I think, and that is: SBE was not always about having to "make it" (money, success or whatever is not in the very first place for me) - and I also don't want to say that every American band would be like this: but we all know that the whole system there is very much "money-based" and that is a big problem, plus: it is not easy to even enter the states when you want to play there. Although some say: JUST DO IT! despite that thing about (having to) get a visa, which for me is about the weirdest thing in that country. Why are they so closed?

So the years went on, some in the band got kids and commitments apart from the band while I for myself at some point decided to live an "artist life", not being dependent more than necessary (also from hoarding possessions that I don't really need etc) which probably helped me live here in sunny Brasil ;) but then it became more and more difficult to do "crazy things" that don't pay money, while tours in Europe got very well-paid. It's all a bit fucked up, and my best advice would be: when you're young and free, take all chances you get - even the craziest one, where you have to pay to play, if it's worth the effort - and then try and stay free from bs that you don't need.

But then what I also don't even really understand is WHY there is such a bad treatment for bands in the states. I can tell you there were ridicolous experiences that we haven't had in any other country: for example at one of the BIG festivals we played they didn't even provide a sleep place or decent feeding. At the other BIG festival that we played they didn't even provide anything of a backline at all. This is just so weird. And when you play the smaller venues, it is common that you get no food (few exceptions) and no place to sleep. Nothing. On the other hand: We played in a lot of squatted houses in Europe in our early career and food was the first thing they offered.

There is much more to say about all this I guess, and maybe I should really try and structure all these things for a book ... sometimes I feel like I have a lot to share, other days I am in no mood for nothing, because these times have a lot of other stupid sh** going on in the world that no one could foresee. But anyways here are all the dates:

SBE - USA-vacation 2015

15/05/2015 Santa Ana - Psycho California

10/05/2015 Austin - Psych Fest Levitation

I call it vacation because it turned out just that, with the exception of these two festivals we stayed for almost three weeks in the US and visited some state parks and scenic areas. Was actually good for the band climate, also because we just went through a line up change and had always a bit troubled times after November 2013.

SBE - Krauts in the USA - Tour 2009

27/03/2009 Seattle - The Josephine

26/03/2009 Olympia - Le Voyeur

25/03/2009 Seattle - Comet Tavern

24/03/2009 Bremerton - Winterland

23/03/2009 Salem - The Space

22/03/2009 Eureka - Aunty Mo's Lounge

20/03/2009 San Francisco - Bottom Of The Hill

19/03/2009 Los Angeles - The Echo

Concerts before first US-tour, just to show how ridiculous this was:

14/02/2009 Berlin - Linse

13/02/2009 Wuerzburg - lmmerhin

18/01/2009 Rome (IT) - Traffic Club

04/12/2008 Berlin - Wild At Heart

29/11/2008 Magdeburg - Heizhaus

09/11/2008 Kiel - Rathausbunker

08/11/2008 Berlin - Red Rooster

07/11/2008 Luckenwalde - Alhambra

Saturday, November 13, 2021

SBE over Europe 2008 - 2019

Hey, I'm touring in North Germany and my parents are far way ;) Kiel 2008

Following up on the last little post about Terraplane's live history, here's a map of shows that I played with Samsara Blues Experiment on European ground from 2008 - 2019. I will follow up to post the concerts on other continents later. Actually I could really write a book about all the memories I have. And maybe I should, before I forget it all ;) 

It was kinda funny to reminisce the progress from the first self-organized shows, mostly through contacts that I had from working as a poster artist or old Generated X (my stoner webzine) - buddies, later though connecting with bands from other countries like Pater Nembrot or The Machine and a few also with the help from other band members. I don't want to play things small, everyone had his part in the band, and only towards the later years things drifted in a bit a strange direction for me. Maybe it's also a natural progress that people want to have their say on everything, even things that never bothered for a discussion before. Let's just say that in the early days we'd all been on the same page which made things easy even while working through a 40hr day job besides the band, and not even earning a lot of money in all the early years. 

I still vividly remember a lot of the excitement from just finally playing cities like Dresden or Hamburg which, believe or not had been hard to enter before the times of social media. A few of the musicians who had actively played in that time may remember when we had to send out demo CD-R or even cassettes. But anyways, later on an old contact to Matte Vandeven (Sound Of Liberation) became one of the most important anchors to the career of SBE. I met Matte first in 2004 after a self-organized show in our hometown Wernigerode for his band The Great Escape, who were touring with House Of Aquarius (awesome band from Sweden - you should know that already). I don't even remember talking more than two or three words with him back then, but somehow a connection had been made.

One thing tho that always had made SBE special would be that from early on we have started to play shows in other countries. After only six concerts in Germany we already flew out to a show in Rome which in hindsight seems more a kind of nuts if you'd ask me. At that time we could hardly play through a tight 40-minute set. It was all kind of funny, and shortly after that we headed off to the US Westcoast which of course added a lot to the "mystique" of that band. Which other band could you name that just with their first two track demo already toured on other continents LOL. But most of these shows were more improvised than professional, but then maybe that is not what matters so much at all anyway.

Sometimes in the early days we even brought out that old Sitar, Berlin 2008

Friday, November 12, 2021

You've got no chance - take it!

Screaming life - yes, it's hard - Wernigerode 2007 by Robin

From the lost memory of the world, information that no one needs and few people may be interested in: Here's the complete live in concert history of TERRAPLANE (not the 80s group). It's the middle of the night here somewhere in Brasil and the nearby bar doesn't let us sleep. People drive by in their tuned up cars and blast weird and rather obnoxious Brasilian Funk (has not nearly anything to do with groups like Funkadelic).

If anyone is wondering why the strange title - well because it was just like this in that period, if you chose to play old-fashioned 70s Rock back then you were labeled "old dude music" and some of the "cool folks" who now may pretend they'd always listened to Black Sabbath (just the first six albums ofc) may have even laughed at you or wrote some shitty review. It's funny how things changed. Anyway, I remember all of these shows except for one and can't figure out why ... 

It was all very small, the clubs, the stages, us ... the "Stonerrock scene" itself was tiny and most of the interesting venues seemed to have been in East Germany. We mostly played for gas money or sometimes no money at all and I can not tell a lie some of these shows sucked because we were not any professional at all. Many times we wanted to present new songs that we barely could play without mistakes, but then we were young and stupid and didn't have internet tutorials. Some of the shows however stay deep in my memory, maybe just personal impressions but then sometimes nothing else matters more than having a good time. Right?

These days sometimes I wonder if I will ever enter a stage again and tend to thinking that this is all history now. As much as I enjoy playing guitar again, I feel like I either lost something or maybe gained a new insight, which is that I don't need to show off anything that I don't have anymore. I may be profoundly wrong there. I know there's a few people who'd even pay money now to see me play, but tbh I don't feel it yet and with these weird regulations and stuff now ... anyways, here are these historical dates ...


16/06/07 High Ace Festival/Halsbruecke
12/05/07 Holzschuppen/Grossliebitz + Monokel
28/04/07 Linse/Berlin + Widow People's Pub
24/03/07 JG/Wernigerode + Marogreen
10/03/07 Kanonenhaus/Altenburg + Dukes
01/03/07 Ars Vivendi/Wernigerode + Marogreen


25/12/05 Jungfernsprung/Arnstadt + Stonewedge
17/12/05 Cafe am Heizhaus/Ilsenburg + Succubitch & Abrogation
19/08/05 Schiefes Haus/Wernigerode + Jonny'n And The Cosmic Rollercoaster
28/05/05 Doktor K/Schwerin + Electro Baby
20/05/05 Mannifest/Wernigerode + Buffer & On The Rocks
22/04/05 JG/Wernigerode + Taid and others
16/04/05 White Pig/Bad Frankenhausen + Magnified Eye
15/04/05 Hafenstrasse/Halle + Magnified Eye & Neocracy
14/04/05 Exil/Wernigerode + Magnified Eye
12/03/05 Jungfernsprung/Arnstadt + Jonny'n And The Cosmic Rollercoaster
26/02/05 Jam/Bad Segeberg + Die Donuts and others


17/12/04 JG/Wernigerode + Methadon
30/10/04 Hafenstrasse/Halle + Rotor & Darediablo
09/10/04 Church Rock Open Air/Rofllau
06/10/04 Fachhochschule Harz/Halberstadt
03/09/04 Schiefes Haus/Wernigerode + Taid, Methadon & The Daredevils
07/08/04 Indy Open Air/Deersheim
17/07/04 Stoned From The Underground Festival/Erfurt
10/07/04 Sylvestrikirche/Wernigerode + Methadon, Entrada & Silent Passenger
26/06/04 JG/Wernigerode + Taid, Alba and others
24/06/04 Rosenkeller/Jena + Ostinato & The Hidden Hand
18/06/04 Young Part Open Air/Wernigerode + Entrada, Silent Passenger and others
05/06/04 Slaughterhouse/Gotha + Jonny'n And The Cosmic Rollercoaster & Gorilla Monsoon
04/06/04 Jungfernsprung/Arnstadt + Jonny'n And The Cosmic Rollercoaster
29/05/04 Temple of Cult/Gotha + Hollywood Conspiracy And The People Of Djibouti and others
15/05/04 Cafe Canape/Halberstadt + The Great Escape
08/05/04 Wassertormuehle/Aschersleben + Comaluna
22/04/04 Mikrokosmos/Magdeburg + Dozer
16/04/04 Cafe am Heizhaus/Ilsenburg + Methadon & Psykra
03/04/04 JG/Wernigerode
27/03/04 White Pig/Bad Frankenhausen + Gas Giant
17/01/04 Last Cathedral/Berlin


21/11/03 Schiefes Haus/Wernigerode + Mian Bao
24/10/03 Wassertormuehle/Aschersleben + Mian Bao
18/10/03 Center/Wernigerode + The Great Escape & House Of Aquarius
27/09/03 Bikerfest/Danstedt
20/09/03 Sputnik/Thale
06/09/03 Sputnik/Thale + Mian Bao
16/08/03 Reichenstrasse/Quedlinburg + Adequade, Down On The Roof & Disaster Area
10/05/03 JG/Wernigerode + Mian Bao and others
04/04/03 Schiefes Haus/Wernigerode + Mian Bao
03/04/03 Engelsburg/Erfurt + The 1's
28/03/03 Forsthaus/Blankenburg + Polizysten & Bleen
24/01/03 Forsthaus/Blankenburg + Polizysten & Lunalone
06/01/03 Haltestelle/Quedlinburg + Bleen


06/12/02 Salzbergtal/Wernigerode + Bleen and others
10/08/02 Reichenstrasse/Quedlinburg + Bleen & Engrained