Sunday, October 09, 2022

World In Sound (Pt.2)

Following up on the first part of my little write up about the World In Sound-label, I would like to mention some of the outstanding new groups there. Even though I have to admit that I'm not as euphoric about all of them as I am about the older groups, there are some gems there, which for some reason are still hardly known. 

Well, to lift a secret, you don't just need cool songs or maybe a reasonably appealing look (also the artworks etc matter, you know). If you want to make it as a musician, you also need a lot of dedication and longevity! It takes years to get to a point where you can say something is successful or not. And before you have that financial success, you're basically living on dry bread and spaghetti with ketchup ;) having a job you probably despise while trying "to make it" and spending all your free time touring and playing ... but anyway ... here are a few groups I'd like to recommend to you if you can find the time.

BUDDHA SENTENZA - instrumental stoner with progression

These guys are really good! They've had two albums on WIS before moving on to another label, probably hoping for something more professional :) and I hope they found it. It's tough in the music world, a lot seems to depend on luck too, or being in the right place at the right time, and I wish they make it soon. They deserve it!

KIRKBINSINEK - Turkish Prog-Psych

Well, another strange group that decided to sing in Turkish, which is great, but may not open up a bigger market for them, maybe they don't even want that. However, the album they released on WIS is very cool and I would recommend you to listen to it if you are into this kind of "experiments", but maybe you have already heard of Erkin Koray, or new groups like Altin Gun?

POSTURES - Swedish hipsters with a knack for Prog?

When the demo for their debut album arrived at WIS mailbox, I immediately told Wolf to should release it because most of it is just stunningly beautiful music and I was excited about this and told all of my three friends about it. For some reason, though, the band didn't last too long, which is a shame...

SATURNA - Retro Heavy Rock from Spain

Super professional band, as it has always seemed to me. For some reason things didn't click so well with WIS and they switched to another label after this album. I would rank them much higher than many of the more popular Retro Rock-groups out there in Europe, probably because they really are the better musicians ... I hope they find (more) success!

SUN AND THE WOLF - from New Zealand to Berlin

Another one of my personal favorites and suggestions for Wolf when he was pretty clueless about what new band deserved our attention. These guys had great songs and a lot of stage presence, but for some reason they didn't really hit the nerve of the larger Stoner/Psychedelic-crowd and therefore probably gave up, too soon ... a real pity!

IMAAD WASIF - has just all the Rock Star - material!

I'm immensely proud that WIS released one of Imaad's early albums that will forever be among my highlights of new releases from 2010 to the present. For some reason, though, it seems to remain an insider's tip, like too many others - there's just so much music out there I guess ... this skinny Indian dude's music you should have heard, though!

And then on a side note: Samsara Blues Experiment's "Revelation & Mystery" wasn't that bad of an album too ;) I always thought it has all that made other bands "big" (maybe more) but people still genuinely love the debut and then, not so much ... I can't complain though. Danke Wolf, fuer alles!