Thursday, February 10, 2022

The new album is out!

Please go here to download:

Until February 20 it will be possible to get it as a friendly offer although donations are very much appreciated. All other digital outlets follow later. If a record label is interested in collaborating on a physical release, feel free to contact me.

Fuzz Sagrado's "A New Dimension" is my first full length album including vocals, after already releasing two instrumental EPs in July and October 2021. After the break with Samsara Blues Experiment in 2020 and making a lot of synthesizer music with Surya Kris Peters, I came to realize where my other true passion lies and where I wanted to go in my life as a musician: back to that ol' Psychedelic Rock. After all also I didn't feel yet as if I should retire completely from that scene. So at this point in my life I feel just comfortable enough to self-produce my music the way I want to, without too many distractions from the outside world. I asked myself many questions throughout the last months and this album has had a few answers for me, and brought quite a big satisfaction as it showed of what I am capable and that there are still things that I yearn to master. It may be a bit of a selfish work but I am not at all here to impress (or to please) anybody, although I am happy to hear that people are influenced or moved by some of the songs I wrote in the past with my bands and I think that some of this new solo work may have that same potential. After all I hope you'll enjoy what you hear!