Friday, August 20, 2021

Another world

A few impressions from my life in the new world. Funny when I remember how much - due all the prejudice - I'd been hesitating before finally coming to Brasil for the first time in March 2017, and subsequently fell in love, not just with the country ;) 

It's a bit difficult for me to understand what's going on in the rest of the world and how they present this amazing country often in a bad light. I mean we have our difficulties and a rather unpopular president in the rest of Western media, but then that's that and just a small part of reality in everyday life within this country. Just from my humble point of view, I probably have never been to a greener, friendlier country.

And I'd still recommend to visit Brasil at least once in your lifetime, if you have the possibility - well, our borders are open ;) The following pictures were taken in January 2021 at my in-laws farm in the heartland of Minas Gerais, where life seems simple and pure.