Sunday, August 29, 2021


I wanted to mention some of the collaborations from the recent past, as there are PATER NEMBROT as one of the most underrated bands I know. Been a fan since their earliest release (Mandria EP), when they still sang in Italian. They were one of the oldest friend bands of SBE with several shared gigs. They are on hiatus at the moment but their main songwriter, singer/guitarist Filippo has a solo project and also a new band.

I also have contributed a little synth atmosphere to my friend Alex'-solo project OCCULT STEREO. He's also been part of IMPURITAN (check em out) who had been a cool band out of San Francisco. God stuff, and definitely different from most "standart psych"-bands these days ;) ...

And then I added a bunch of instruments on the first MUDDY ORCHID-EP which is one of the latest outfits of my old buddy Robin, who was also the first drummer in SBE when he was not much older than 16. He's a very talented guy and I think on the following full-length album played every instrument himself.

Oh, and I just remembered that in January 2018 Alex & Pepe of IMPURITAN and I almost had played a spontaneous jam-gig in San Francisco, which would have been kind of *hilarious* for me since it seemed impossible for SBE to return to the USA due a bunch of reasons / limitations  --