Monday, September 06, 2021

Interview for The Obelisk

Blogmaster JJ Koczan of THE OBELISK asked me for an interview, and even though I hesitated a bit - believe or not I am still insecure about speaking (english) in public - this was a request I couldn't turn down. 

After all I enjoyed this talk, as it was also the very first time speaking in person, after knowing JJ from E-Mail and chat for more than ten years now. We talked about the new project, which probably will remain rather low key and of course had also to talk a good bit about SBE, why it had to end (or to be paused?) and the unavoidable nostalgia about the "legendary" US-tour etc. 

Recently I have watched a lot of the other interviews JJ did, it's quite new to me to discover the mindsets of fellow musicians. I guess for most of my 20s and 30s I've been a little too busy on building up my own legend ;). Yet it was interesting to hear about LOWRIDER recording in a way the way I do now, including the use of amp simulations and synthesizers occasionally replacing bass. But anyway, one day after our interview my mind kept wandering, asking myself if probably I'd lifted too many "secrets" ... 

By the way I am a bit clearer now about what the next FUZZ SAGRADO-release will be, and it may very well be a full album. I will select ca. ten songs that include a few SBE-like tunes, but also kind of a crossover between my SURYA-stuff and back-to-my-roots Rock. It may take a while though as I still have to write some lyrics and need to finish all these basic tracks that I already have. I'm a bit lazy these days and mostly enjoy just "noodling" along to my Spotify-playlists LOL.