Tuesday, September 14, 2021

This crazy life

Creepy Chris at old Mac Oelke's "Kinderzimmer" ca. 2001

So I've recently turned 41, forty one, years of age, pretty ripe on life experience, and all I come up with is this silly old pic - for one just because maybe it's a good thing to reminisce on the long way I walked since there. Around the time this picture was taken, which is roughly twenty years ago, I just had decided to quit the first psychotherapy I went to, which I voluntarily began after a period of feeling kind of lost, indistinctly sad, maybe even depressed: I had also just quit my first studies because I couldn't handle the stress of studying informatics while for the first time moving quite far away from my home area (not as far as Brasil though), the band and friends I had just found after the more or less turbulent years of being a introvert teenager (I had my fair share of silly things ... like being a Graffiti sprayer and a 'stunt-skater'). Plus, the still very actual trauma of losing my mum at a young age. Yet all of this was a kind of a landmark in my biography, for the first time I had taken kind of brave decisions to better my life. Not nearly anything of it had worked out, yet these had been the first shy steps. On a side note; the day I quit therapy was September 11 2001 and we all know what was happening that day too, all TV-channels repeated pictures of the crashing twin towers even through my parents TV-set in the middle of nowhere Germany, and in a way this was also the end of naivety for many others around me.